Few points you should know before getting started in Singing.
Join a Singing Training
You should join music classes to start singing, Training helps you to understand many secrets like Pitch, vocal placement, vocal exercise and much more. it helps you to understand step-by-step concept to bring beginners up to advanced level in singing.
Vocal Exercise
It is most important to warm-up your vocal chords with vocal exercises.
Singing range
Every human has their own vocal range you should understand these range and never try to start singing immediate on higher. You can gradually increase the range of your vocal chords by practicing lot.
Record your own Vocal
Try to record your own singing and listen to your own and share with friends and ask for the review. The feedback helps you to understand many pros and cons.
Listen to Music
Listening Music is also a good practice for singing. Listen and sing along is a good idea to start. Listen to your favorite music artist.